National Materials Corrosion and Protection Data Center
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标准 钢铁企业固体废弃物资源综合利用导则 Guidelines for Comprehensive Utilization of Solid Waste Resources in Iron and Steel Enterprises 基于氢冶金的固废源头减量钢铁清洁生产新技术 2023-07-07
标准 维修及再制造 企业技术规范 Technical specification for repair and remanufacturing enterprises 废旧智能装备机电一体化再制造升级技术 2023-07-12
标准 再制造 机械产品修复层质量检测方法 Method for quality inspection of repair layers of remanufactured mechanical products 废旧智能装备机电一体化再制造升级技术 2023-07-12
标准 再制造激光熔覆层性能试验方法 Test method for properties of remanufactured laser cladding layers 废旧智能装备机电一体化再制造升级技术 2023-07-12
标准 城市矿产基地智能化服务平台建设管理导则 Guidelines for The Construction and Management of Intelligent Service Platform for Urban Mineral Bases 长江经济带典型城市矿产基地技术升级与集成示范 2023-06-10
标准 废线路板物理处理产粗铜粉 Primary copper powder produced from waste printed circuit board by physical techniques 长江经济带典型城市矿产基地技术升级与集成示范 2023-06-07
标准 FM-RM-16A阀体再生核心工艺流程 FM-RM-16A valve body regeneration core process 长江经济带典型城市矿产基地技术升级与集成示范 2023-06-06
标准 FM-RM-24A超声波清洗设备操作规程 FM-RM-24A ultrasonic cleaning equipment operating procedures 长江经济带典型城市矿产基地技术升级与集成示范 2023-06-06
标准 FM-RM-20A再制造变速箱清洗流程 FM-RM-20A remanufactured gearbox cleaning process 长江经济带典型城市矿产基地技术升级与集成示范 2023-06-06
标准 汽车变速箱再制造用镍基高温合金粉末技术条件 Technical conditions of nickel-based high-temperature alloy powder for remanufacturing of automobile transmissions 长江经济带典型城市矿产基地技术升级与集成示范 2023-06-06